The Eight Legal Landmines of The 14th Amendment (Part 2 of 2)
The one element that was absolutely required for a silent takeover and corporate inversion of the organic Constitutional Republic.
We take a detour today from our regularly scheduled de-programming and explore a topic that has accelerated my awakening in recent years unlike anything else: the hidden history of true law and the fraudulent nature of our modern “legal system.”
When I was first exposed to this information, it took such an intense hold of me that I became quite literally obsessed with it. I couldn’t sleep. This information was slapping me with brutally honest answers to my burning question during 2020:
“How can they do this in America where we have a very clear Bill of Rights?”
Ask and ye shall receive. Indeed.
It was the biggest red pill I ever had to swallow, but it perfectly explained why the world is the way it is, and why it’s so hard for most of us to see it.
This will be an ongoing series of articles because it is such a vast topic to wrap your mind around. However, the good news is that the solutions/remedies are rather simple, and anyone can use them.
The Eight Legal Landmines of The 14th Amendment (Part 2 of 2)
For Part 1, please CLICK HERE.
The infamous 14th Amendment – a perfect example of the slick and subtle dialectics the 1% “dElete” slavers have been using for centuries to mind-control the masses into voluntary servitude.
Fraudulently ratified in 1868 (since they didn’t allow Southern Legislators into Congress), the 14th Amendment was sold to the public by Lincoln as a benign way to SOLELY elevate our now-freed black brothers and sisters toward participating in American society. During one of his speeches, Lincoln actually pacified the state citizens by reassuring them that their status and rights would not be affected.
What he didn’t tell them was, from that moment on, every American born or naturalized – no matter their heritage – would become legal property of the Federal government…
The Eight Legal Landmines of The 14th Amendment
Here it is again, with landmines in bold, for your convenience:
The 14th Amendment, 1st Clause
"All persons1 born2 or naturalized in the United States3, and4 subject to the5 jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States6 and of the State7 wherein they reside8."
“the jurisdiction thereof” denotes a SINGULAR jurisdiction; a centralized authority that owns and provides “privileges and immunities” (civil rights) to its citizens, and can therefore also take them away at any moment.
We will dive into the 13th Amendment in another article, however, for this purpose please look it up and you will see that it reads “their jurisdiction” – a PLURAL collective and shared jurisdiction of all the states in the Union combined.
Yet in the subsequent 14th Amendment, the jurisdiction all of a sudden becomes SINGULAR, therefore denoting the transition to the “two tier” form of government, enveloping the organic Constitutional Union into a legal fiction Federal matrix – knowing full well that, three years later, D.C. would turn into a corporation with the Organic Act of 1871.
citizens of the United States:
Well, if you read Part 1 you already know what this really means, so I won’t repeat myself. However, when we look this term up in Black’s Law Dictionary again, we find some telling definitions all revolving around the 14th Amendment.
A few excerpts: “owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights [not God-given rights]” … “submitted themselves to the dominion of a government” … “municipalities (?!) and other local governments (?!) are deemed to be citizens”State:
Yes, this word is capitalized in the middle of a sentence. But don’t believe me; look up the 14th Amendment for yourself. We dive deep into this very topic during the National Status & Passport Workshop, but here’s the nutshell version:
In the State Department policy document “Certificates of Non Citizen Nationality” we find several gold nuggets of information (which you can verify on While it primarily talks about American Samoans’ political status, the dElete slavers snuck in the common law state citizen and simply gave it a new label: “national.”
As it reads:
Section 101(a)(21) of the Immigration and Nationality Act:
The term “national” means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state.” [small s]
Then, just a few lines further it reads:
Section 101(a)(36) of the Immigration and Nationality Act:
The term "State" includes the District of Columbia [capital S], Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands of the United States.
There is so much more to it, but this is how we know that nationals are the original state citizens, because before the Civil War, you were a citizen of your state under its original name (i.e. California Republic, NOT State of California). There was no “Federal citizenship.” You had to be born or naturalized in a state to become one of We The People with God-given Rights, protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, because that’s the only status there was when the Bill of Rights was ratified.Reside:
And last but not least, the 14th Amendment introduced legal “residency” into the Constitution. When they tried to hide the state citizen, they had to come up with a new term. Ever wondered why they ask you if you’re a resident (not citizen) of your State? Or if you reside in your County? Why don’t they use “live”?
Black’s Law:
Resident. Any person who occupies a dwelling within the State, has a present intent to remain within the State for a period of time, and manifests the genuineness of that intent by establishing an ongoing physical presence within the State together with indicia that his presence within the State is something other than merely transitory in nature.
In other words, you’re permanently bound and physically attached to the “State.”
I hope you’re starting to see it now… because they presume you to be a Federal citizen, you are supposed to live in D.C., but since you don’t, you “reside” elsewhere yet are still subject to the “State.”The origin of residency also comes out of Ambassadorial Law. When countries exchange ambassadors, those diplomats are still subject to their own country’s laws. Hence, when you hear about diplomats getting caught with kilos of cocaine in their luggage, they simply get sent home without any criminal charges. They are subject to a singular, central authority (their government) no matter where they physically are in the world.
As a resident in the “U.S.” you are subject to the Federal corporation, no matter in which State or country you “reside” – which is also why U.S. citizens have to pay income tax on all their worldwide income no matter where they “reside.”
And now, I hope, you realize why they always ask you THE TWO QUESTIONS:
"Are you a citizen of the United States?"
"Are you a resident?"
Most likely, you have always answered those two questions with "YES," not knowing what they were actually asking you.
Allow me to rephrase these two questions now the way they are intended from a legal, not colloquial, 14th Amendment post-Civil War context:
Are you a recently-freed slave who was assigned “Federal citizenship” with “civil rights” after the Civil War?
Are you “residing” in a State requesting protection from the Federal government against any actions or abuses of your State?
If those questions were rephrased correctly, would you have ever answered YES?
By answering “YES” to those two questions you are continually contracting with and giving the Federal government YOUR CONSENT to be their property! The one element ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED for a gradual, silent takeover and control of the U.S.A.
Now, as you can see, the 14th Amendment enabled history’s dElete slavers to completely invert our organic Constitutional Republic under common law, and instead paved the way for the corporate megalithic war machine we have today.
One nation, under a Federal corporation, with statutes and regulations for all!
The silver lining in all of this, however, is that under Natural Law, THEY HAVE TO GIVE YOU A REMEDY! Hence, the “and” in the 14th Amendment (Part 1).
If you’re ready to leave the bankrupt feudal corporation and its control over your life, you can start the National Status & Passport process today. You can learn more about that HERE or HERE.
Side note: This has nothing to do with “state nationals”, “American nationals”, or “American state nationals”! Those three terms do not exist, cannot be verified and only end up getting people into trouble.
This, to me at least, is the first step to Exit The Matrix if you’re a “U.S. citizen.” It is your first step to becoming a private individual – as your State’s Attorney General will most likely confirm in their response to your paperwork.
We go over everything step-by-step and include a vast archive of downloadable resources, templates, PDFs and more. Everything you need is provided!
Thank you for helping me with the affidavit process so that I could get my political status corrected from Citizen to National. […] Your guidance in the documents and mailing processes took me from nervous, to relieved, and now empowered. Knowing that all the t's were crossed and the i's dotted took the worry out of this process. The acquisition of a new Passport book and card sealed the deal. - Charlie M.
I am thrilled with the national status & passport process and I’m so inspired now to share this with others. Given all the help & extra efforts you've shown us, I want to give back & pay it forward to others. - Mike Z.
I cannot say enough good things about this workshop and my experience with my Status correction and Passport renewal. I have immense gratitude for their knowledge base as well as patience throughout the process. […] If you're seeking truth and freedom, you're in excellent hands! - Michael W.
How do contracts (constitution, bill of rights, etc.) written by other men in other times bind (or protect) a modern person? On the other hand, if fraud vitiates everything, how are any of the State/corporate contracts binding when full disclosure was not forthcoming?
The Constitution and it’s articles/titles. Then there is this discovery in law. (I’m not a subscriber of TCN so it will cut off. BUT…..