We take a detour today from our regularly scheduled de-programming and explore a topic that has accelerated my awakening in recent years unlike anything else: the hidden history of true law and the fraudulent nature of our modern “legal system.”
When I was first exposed to this information, it took such an intense hold of me that I became quite literally obsessed with studying it. I couldn’t sleep. This information was giving me brutally honest answers to my burning question during 2020:
“How can they do this in America where we have a very clear Bill of Rights?”
Ask and ye shall receive. Indeed.
It was the biggest red pill I ever had to swallow, but it perfectly explained why the world is the way it is, and why it’s so hard for most of us to see it.
This will be an ongoing series of articles because it is such a vast topic to wrap your mind around. However, the good news is that the solutions/remedies are almost always rather simple, and anyone can use them.
We begin with my favorite piece:
“U.S. citizen” vs. “National” (aka state citizen) Status Correction
There’s no gentle way to say this: You, your parents, your grandparents and your great-grandparents have been skillfully deceived and tricked into voluntary servitude for over 100 years…
To unravel this deception – especially as it comes to the issue of political status and lawful standing in this country – is no small feat. However, through this series of articles, I will do my best.
Much confusion has been added around the term “status correction” and, personally, I don’t even prefer that term anymore, because it points to something being “incorrect,” when in fact it is simply flat out FRAUD and THEFT.
Just to be clear: What I am talking about here has nothing to do with so-called “State Nationals,” “American Nationals,” and DEFINITELY not “Sovereign Citizens.”
None of these so-called statuses can be proven nor officially verified. However, the “national” can absolutely be proven and verified, as this status has been promulgated in several policy documents, case law and even on your very own U.S. passport book… you probably just never noticed it.
To understand what the “national” really is, we have to go back in time to the original, organic Constitutional Union: the United States of America Republic.
You see, when this country was being formed, many of the then-existing states didn’t even want to join a union. They wanted to be their own republics, because they had everything they needed: a Legislative, Administrative, and Executive branch. The states were equipped to govern themselves as individual countries and many of them feared that if they were to unify, sooner or later, a central authority would emerge that would dictate to the states on all levels of governance.
Long story short, however, all states eventually joined the Union – whether voluntarily or by coercion – and hence gave birth to the United States of America.
The Constitution was penned and finally ratified in 1787 – however, to keep it simple, all states were still very much independent republics with their own governmental bodies and their own citizens.
Yes, each state had their own citizens, known formally as “state citizens.”
That was the only political status available. You were either born or naturalized in a state, NOT in the country as a whole.
Why is that important?
Because when the Constitution was ratified, there were only state citizens, hence the Bill of Rights was written for and only applied to state citizens.
There was no “U.S. citizen” and there was no “Federal citizenship.”
The “U.S. citizen” status was introduced much later in 1868 with the fraudulently ratified 14th Amendment (we’ll get to that in another article).
Therefore, U.S. citizens do not have access to the Bill of Rights!
But don’t just believe me. Check out what the Supreme Court has to say:
Supreme Court: Jones v. Temmer, 89 F. Supp 1226 (1993): "The privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the Bill of Rights, nor protects all rights of individual citizens. Instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government; it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship."
In the online courses that we teach HERE or HERE, we share dozens of case laws that prove over and over again that the state citizen is still alive and well, how you can claim it, and why “U.S. citizens” do not (and never will) have access to the Bill of Rights.
Now, you might be wondering:
If the Supreme Court (and other courts) talk about and uphold the state citizen, why don’t I see that anywhere as an option to be born, naturalized or claimed as an American?
Excellent question!
And that’s where dialectics and equivocation come in. In other words:
Government by the treachery and deception of words
Dialectics and equivocation are fancy terms for “opposite definitions/meanings” of words. I highly encourage you to look up the textbook definitions of these words… you’ll immediately understand why the world is what it is.
After they introduced the 14th Amendment Federal U.S. citizen, they had to slowly begin to hide the state citizen, so that in a few decades, every American would automatically become legal property of the federal government.
Yes. Property.
However, whenever “they” take away our God-given rights, they also have to give us a remedy – plausible deniability – no matter how well they hide it, so that they don’t accumulate karmic debt.
Side note: Believe it or not, but these creeps who run the world understand Natural Law better than anyone, and the ones at the very top make damn sure to keep their hands sparkly clean. They give the orders, yes, but it’s the mind-controlled masses and “order followers” that acquiesce, do the dirty work and therefore accumulate karmic debt.
In simpler terms: they renamed the state citizen to “national” and hid it deep within State Department legislation and the Immigration & Nationality Act, in hopes we would never find it…
But we did.
And they have to honor our claim to become state citizens again, otherwise their hands won’t be so clean when they meet the Creator.
So, now that we know what a national/state citizen is, how does that status differentiate from a so-called “U.S. citizen”?
Well, again, the courts put it best:
Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 (1936) "Therefore, the U.S. citizens (14th Amendment) residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an "individual entity" [...]
I wonder why they never taught you that in school…
They have a legal property right in you since your parents signed you away from their private jurisdiction to the State’s public jurisdiction when they autographed the application for your birth certificate at the hospital.
And yes, the same property right applies to naturalized Americans.
That’s why in the 54 titles of the United States Code their jurisdictional statement (who they can exercise power over) is either residents or U.S. citizens. None of them say “national.”
What we learn about terms and definitions in “Title 26 – Income Tax” is especially fun :)
In simpler terms: A “U.S. citizen” is collateral property of the bankrupt United States Federal Corporation – which is why they can do to you (and with you) pretty much anything they want without repercussions.
Because every time they ask you: “Are you a U.S. citizen?”
You say what?
They have your permission and consent. Whether you know what you’re saying yes to or not. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Now then…
If you’re ready to leave the bankrupt corporation and its control over your life, you would start the National Status & Passport process. You can learn more about that HERE or HERE.
But how does a passport help you take advantage of your new status?
First of all, a passport is the highest form of identification in any country. Therefore, the issuing authority must know what political status you have, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to issue you one.
Now, what if you were to submit a notarized affidavit – the highest form of truth in law – to said passport-issuing authority, claiming you are a national/state citizen?
Then, they will have to issue you a passport that honors and adheres to the Bill of Rights and to the old common law under which our nation was founded.
And thus, we realize that, a national passport has a “Do Not Detain” code embedded within it, so that if any law enforcement agent runs it through the system, they won’t be allowed to touch you (unless you actually committed a crime with an injured party).
Don’t believe me? Check out this video:
Think this is just a one-off? Here are some more:
This, to me at least, is the first step to Exit The Matrix if you’re an American. It is your first step to becoming a “private individual” – as your state’s Attorney General will most likely address you in their response to your affidavit.
Obviously, I could go on and on about all the details and history of the national process, but it would be a book.
If you’re interested in learning more, then we invite you to enroll in either of our National Status & Passport Process HERE or HERE.
We go over everything step-by-step and include a vast archive of downloadable resources, templates, PDFs and more. Everything you need is provided!
Thank you for helping me with the affidavit process so that I could get my political status corrected from Citizen to National. Once I felt comfortable enough with the material so as to be able to defend my position, I was ready to pull the trigger with the notices to the different agencies, but I was a bit nervous. Your guidance in the documents and mailing processes took me from nervous, to relieved, and now empowered. Knowing that all the t's were crossed and the i's dotted took the worry out of this process. The acquisition of a new Passport book and card sealed the deal. Thanks again for your help! - Charlie M.
I am thrilled with the national status & passport process and I’m so inspired now to share this with others. Given all the help & extra efforts you've shown us, I want to give back & pay it forward to others. We're all in this together. - Mike Z.
I cannot say enough good things about this workshop and my experience with the fellowship through my Status correction and Passport renewal. I have immense gratitude for their knowledge base as well as patience throughout the process. They were very informative and encouraging throughout the entire project. Even post-completion, they remain an important resource and trusted friends. If you're seeking truth and freedom, you're in excellent hands! - Michael W.